
By Christine Gannon February 8, 2022
This is a critical component to equity in the workplace for women. As women in the workforce, we have all experienced the challenges associated with knowing we have been paid unfairly and/or unequal. Last week, a recruiter shared on Linked In (now deleted) how she offered a female candidate $45K LESS than what the job paid, because she knew the woman would take the position. Pay transparency, while it may bring different and new hurdles, will offer a pathway to pay equity for women in the workplace. #payequity#womeninbusiness#femalequity#closethegap Caroline Fairchild this week for Linked In writes, "A new report tracking wages and productivity of almost 100,000 U.S. academics across eight U.S. states over two decades has found that pay transparency significantly reduces pay inequality among men and women. If adopted at a wider scale, pay transparency could reduce the gender pay gap by as much as 40% after adjusting the wages for those who are underpaid."
By Christine Gannon April 30, 2020
By Alisha Haridasani Gupta — New York Times
By Christine Gannon April 16, 2020
Women represent 40% off all entrepreneurs in the country they only receive 2% of investment funding. That's a problem for everyone.  A 2020 Crunchbase report shows that even if we combined VC investment in female-founded and mixed co-founded companies in 2019, it still amounts to only 9 percent of all investment. Considering women represent over 40 percent of all entrepreneurs in the country, and plenty of statistics showing that women significantly outperform men in business, a lot more needs to be done. Everything we know about business tells us that more investment in women means more than innovation and reach in an industry, it also provides economic growth and social benefit for the nation. After all, who better to cater to the female half of the world’s population than women? And women, by the way, make 80 percent of purchasing decisions in the home in the U.S. Morgan Stanley estimates that investors are missing out on businesses worth $4 trillion in revenue annually by not investing in more female- and minority-led enterprises. We can’t continue to talk about investment in women as a pipeline issue; the talent is there, as are the organizations connecting them to VCs. Any investor who says they can’t find female entrepreneurs probably isn’t trying hard enough. #femaleequityhashtag #femaleentrepreneurhashtag #femalefoundershashtag #vcfundinghashtag #startupfunding
By Christine Gannon April 9, 2020
Solving health emergencies like COVID-19 demands the best minds the world has to offer – in health systems strengthening, therapeutic R&D and more. We know diverse teams lead to more innovation, and neglecting half the talent pool limits our ability to make life-saving choices. Leaders dictate where funding and research goes, from vaccine development to social safety nets. Without women in these positions, subsequent decisions will not adequately address the hurdles women face.  Already, women comprise the bulk of the world’s frontline health workers, shouldering the burden of strenuous work, while increasing their own risk of infection. With the novel coronavirus, women have played a central role: take China, where 90 percent of the nurses and nearly half the doctors are female.
By Christine Gannon March 31, 2020
Jennifer Cummings joins Remitter USA with over 15 years experience, including working with privately held companies in startup, growth and turnaround situations in various industries in both public accounting and the private sector.
By Christine Gannon March 31, 2020
In the western region, Glendale and Chandler were among the top cities, ranking #8 and #9 respectively. The study looked at the share of female employees out of the total number of local employees in STEM occupations.
By Christine Gannon March 31, 2020
Brenda Schmidt joined Phoenix venture builder Coplex to lead the organization’s expansion strategy by partnering with corporations to transform their best innovation ideas into a portfolio of rapid-growth technology companies.
By Christine Gannon March 31, 2020
Greater Phoenix is seeing women enter the tech industry in impressive numbers and leadership positions. Glendale and Chandler were recently named among the top U.S. cities for women in STEM. Coplex, a Phoenix venture builder, just hired its first president, Brenda Schmidt, who was also Solera Health's founder and former CEO.
By Christine Gannon March 31, 2020
Unlike the financial crash of 2008, this downturn will likely lead to more job losses for women, according to new research.
By Christine Gannon March 31, 2020
The latest Global Gender Gap report indicates that achieving gender parity will require 151 years in North America. 151 years? Yes, really, 151 years. This report has been produced annually since 2006 by the World Economic Forum.
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